1. What are the biological effects of laser physiotherapy on biological tissues?
The laser beam will have an impact on the cell membrane and mitochondria, which will in turn have an impact on the organelles that generate cellular energy, specifically in the following aspects:
– Increased cellular metabolic activity, accelerating the conversion of ATP to ADP
– In the process of relieving pain, laser increases the excitation threshold of nerve endings in nerve cells that transmit pain
– Vasodilation, the laser increases local heat that stimulates cellular metabolic activity, enhances neuro-vegetative responses
and regulates hydrostatic pressure within capillaries
– Increases lymphatic drainage by accelerating sodium/potassium, promoting more interstitial fluid to be absorbed and promoting microcirculation
2. What effects does laser physiotherapy have on our body?
– Analgesic effect, as laser physiotherapy greatly increases the pain threshold
– Anti-inflammatory effect, laser can increase local microcirculation and relieve inflammation
– The effect of accelerating healing. As a biostimulant, laser can accelerate the healing of injured tissues by increasing
metabolism and lead to wound closure without surgical indications, because the energy in the laser promotes the formation of
fibrous scar tissue.
– Relaxation effect, laser physiotherapy has a relaxing and relaxing effect on tissues due to the microthermal effect and increase
in metabolism.
3. What are the indications and contraindications of laser physiotherapy?
Laser physical therapy is considered effective in the treatment of tendonitis, sprains, bruises, osteoarthritis, various
inflammations, edema, ulcers, and wounds.
The purpose of laser physiotherapy is not to heat in the simple sense, but to eliminate inflammation, reduce pain and promote
healing by restoring cell tissues that have been out of balance due to trauma, aging, and wear and tear.
Few contraindications to laser physiotherapy are pregnancy, pacemakers, malignant tumors and epilepsy.