In Our Quran, their several places about Have to Thank Our"ALLAH"for the a lot of amazing things give us, simply this device help Us to mentioned Allhamdullah every hour all the day. The Rizik and Barakah all with our "ALLAH" control, this device play specific quran Sora same as mentioned in Sunah for Rizik and Home Barakah, Automatically everyday.
Key Features A.Touch-less Player B.24H Schedule Sound C.Fall resistant D.Assistive tool E. Plug-in 220V F.Home Baraka 1-Al-Waaal' ah ....One Time 2- Yaa Siin ....One Time 3- Al-Baaarah1T5 ..One Time 4-Al-Baqarah284T286.….One Time G. Protected your house from Jin,Shitan And Evil Eyes · 1-Al-Faatihah.…Seven Times 2- Ayatul Kursi .. Seven Times 3- Al-lkhlas .Seven Times 4-Al-Falaq ...Soven Times 5- An-Nas ....Seven Times H.Portable & Reliable
Note:when Active the 24H Rugyah and Allhamdullah its will automatically work again after 24 hours. For the every hour Allhamdullah, this function will work every hour automatically if there is no sound is playing and this function is active.